Detox Foot Bath
Whether we like it or not, we are constantly exposed to chemical and heavy metal residues, tissue acid wastes and stress. Using the relaxing Detox Foot Spa for only a thirty-minute session will visibly remove toxins and waste products from your body.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why Should You Detoxify?
“ We live in a society filled with pollutants and toxins- both natural and synthetic. They exist in our air, water, foods, clothing and the environment in which we live, work, play and sleep. Cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine are also major sources of toxins. With our society’s busy lifestyles and the increased pollutions in the environment, our bodies are encountering and storing these unwanted toxins on a daily basis. Tissue acid wastes, chemicals and heavy metal residues now build up in our bodies ever then before, resulting in a greater incident of allergies and mental and physical incapacitation. Pimples, rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, often indicate a build-up of tissue acid inside the body. Our bodies are depleted of crucial life-giving elements, leaving us to feel drained of energy or unable to heal naturally from illness, injury or medical procedures.
To relieve the strains on our organs, particularly the kidneys, liver, intestines and immune system, it is more important than ever to maintain a detoxification regimen. The Detox Foot Spa is designed to relieve these strains and detoxify the body through the skin, the largest organ in the human body.
Anyone who suffers from allergies, swollen joints, rashes, blotched complexions, pimples, dark circles, and chronic fatigue will benefit greatly from this non-invasive and therapeutic treatment.
How Does the Detox Foot Spa Work?
An ion is a charged atom or molecule that has gained or lost an electron, thus creating an electro-magnetic field capable of neutralizing oppositely charged particles such as toxins in the human body. The ions produce by the Detox Foot Spa create gentle vibration that aids the release of unwanted toxin particles through the pores on the sole of the foot. There are over 2,000 pores on each foot!
Ion producing technology has been around for several decades, but the secret to its successful use in body detoxification is the production of positive and negative ions in the same treatment. The control head of the Detox Foot Spa unit delivers an electrical current through the array that is places into the water alongside the feet. The low-level direction current to the array causes the metals within the array in combination with water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating the oxygen and hydrogen components of water. The Detox Foot Spa system allows the negative ions to travel through the body and attach themselves to toxic substances with the opposite charge. Since most toxins in our body are positive in charge, they will be conveniently neutralized and drawn out by the negative ions produced by the Detox Foot Spa. Toxin particles are pulled through the skin and out the body via osmosis and neutralized because they are attracted by the highly concentrated ion field in the Detox Foot Spa water.
Anyone who suffers from allergies, swollen joints, rashes, blotched complexions, pimples, dark circles or chronic fatigue will benefit from this non-intrusive and therapeutic treatment.
(Who Can Not Use the Detox Foot Spa)
Benefits of Detoxification
After a session most people experience feeling lighter, with a greater sense of overall, increased energy and improved focus. Many people with pain, edema, gout, swollen or deteriorating joints report considerable symptomatic relief from their Detox Foot Spa session(s).
Even though you may feel this relief, it should be noted that the Detox Spa Foot treatments do not heal or cure diseases and conditions directly. The role of the Detox foot Spa cleanse system should be viewed as that of a relaxing alternative therapy for reducing unwanted toxins from the body; it is only an aid in the healing process carried out by your immune system. So the Detox Foot Spa detoxification and cleanse technology is only valuable way of assisting the body to detoxify its organs and tissues. This detoxification and cleansing process aids in the healing process carried out by our immune system.
Before Your Detox Foot Spa Treatment
Persons should not wear metal, use a computer or cellular phone during a Detox Foot Spa Session.
Persons with low blood sugar should eat before the Detox Foot Spa
Though not dangerous, persons having a metal joint implant may find expose to the electromagnetic field generated by the Detox Foot Spa to be uncomfortable. In the event of discomfort, stop using the Detox Foot Spa immediately.
Persons taking prescription medication should take meds after or four after prior to their Detox Foot Spa session.
Because a Detox foot spa is designed to eliminate toxins that the kidney and liver cannot eliminate on their own, as a general rule, it may be used by persons on dialysis or by those diagnosed with diabetes or congestive heart failure. However, persons with these conditions or any other medical conditions should consult their physician prior to implementing the Detox Foot Spa as part of their wellness program.
As the Detox Foot Spa pulls toxins from the bloodstream it may also cause valuable electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium) to be purged from the body to safeguard against this possibility, users are encouraged to take a multivitamin supplement that provides the aforementioned minerals, as well as fatty acids and vitamin c.
Because overuse of the Detox Foot Spa can deplete the body of nutrients and lower energy levels, please follow usage/frequency instructions carefully to derive optimum results.
Users should be properly hydrated prior to each Detox Foot session and during.